Fall is Here!

Fall has hit us with a lot of rain,  as long as we get a few nice days in, the garden will still be plentiful.. for a little while longer! Cant believe its almost Oct!

Here’s what’s happening in the Greenhouse

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This has been the best year ever for Basil- these were started in Feb !

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Peppers are  ripening, Sea scape Strawberries have done the best!

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Eggplants have flowers but they keep dropping, I’m trying to assist with pollination..they wont last much longer as the weather cools..

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More onion seedlings are in..

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Celery is huge…well..tall not really plump..

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and Radishes , I almost gave up on are finally getting big enough to eat 🙂

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Yellow Bush Beans , also took a long time to grow…but this is the shady bed, could be lack of sun. I’m getting all of the soil tested in the spring..

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Broccoli, Pole Beans and Butternut Squash in the Pot

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Purple Pole Peas have such pretty flowers

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They are the tallest already 6 feet tall with lots of slender snow peas..Brussel Sprouts and Broccoli are in is here as well, they have huge leaves on them but no sign of sprouts… yet!

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The Snap peas are doing really well in one spot but not the others.

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These Butternut Squash don’t seem to be getting any bigger..

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This was the third time planting Zucchini, 4 plants and all starting to produce.

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Raspberry and Cabbage Bed..

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Onions and Calendula

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Chard & Squash..

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Potatoes & Cucumber

These are the Potatoes we planted in Aug. and the last cucumber  plant, it looks so spindly but its still sending out flowers..

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Garlic is all cleaned up and sorted for storage . We’ll be planting it again soon..

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This is the last of our Tomatoes and beginning of fall peas..

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Some goodies for the day!

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8 thoughts on “Fall is Here!

  1. It all looks so beautiful! I have a question for you. There is a volunteer plant growing in my compost and I thought maybe it was a Butternut squash, but it is green. I’ve never grown butternut before. Are they green before they turn yellow?

  2. Oh it’s so nice to see your harvest! I suppose by the next time I’m there it will all be gone, but HOPEFULLY you will have preserved it all! We just had lots of rain, and everything greened up again, but it was too late for most of the crops.

  3. My goodness you have a large array of yummy stuff growing in your garden! I’m so loving all that garlic!!!! Wish I had such a green thumb as yours.

    1. Thank you DD! We are hoping to have enough Garlic so that we wont have to buy any , we arent there yet , we do love garlic 😉 we also need enough to plant for next year, I think 200 may be the magic no for us…last year was 160!

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